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Tag: Artistic evolution

  • Why would Kazimir Malevich shift away from Suprematism after the 1920’s?

    Why would Kazimir Malevich shift away from Suprematism after the 1920’s?



    Kazimir Malevich’s transition away from Suprematism in the post-1920s period was shaped by political, personal, and philosophical factors. As Joseph Stalin’s regime rose in Soviet Russia, favoring Socialist Realism, Malevich encountered challenges in showcasing his Suprematist works, which clashed with state-approved propaganda art. Internally, Malevich felt a growing need for creative expression beyond Suprematism’s formal…

  • Piotr Adrianov – Who was he?

    Piotr Adrianov – Who was he?



    RESUME Piotr Andrianov’s artistic journey was marked by a deep connection to nature and a commitment to portraying the beauty of the world around him. His paintings often captured serene landscapes, rural scenes, and intimate moments of everyday life with a sense of tranquility and harmony. Despite the political climate of his time, Andrianov chose…