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Tag: Cubism

  • Ivan Klyun – Who was he?

    Ivan Klyun – Who was he?



    Imagine a bookkeeper with a secret passion – painting. That was Ivan Klyun (Ivan Vasilyevich Klyun – Klyunkov) , a talented Russian artist who wasn’t born with a silver spoon, but with a paintbrush in his soul. He honed his skills while balancing numbers, later studying with big names like Fyodor Rerberg. Klyun dabbled in…

  • Kazimir Malevich – Who was he?

    Kazimir Malevich – Who was he?



    Kazimir Malevich, a seminal figure in the history of modern art, was born in 1879 in Ukraine. His artistic journey began amidst the vibrant cultural milieu of the early 20th century, where he would ultimately become a trailblazer, challenging the conventions of traditional art and laying the groundwork for a revolutionary movement known as Suprematism.…