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Tag: Soviet art

  • Kazimir Malevich “Two Peasants” 1929-1930

    Kazimir Malevich “Two Peasants” 1929-1930



    Kazimir Malevich’s “Two Peasants” is a significant piece from his later period, showcasing his exploration of form and color within his distinctive style of Suprematism. Painted in 1929-1930, it reflects Malevich’s continued interest in geometric abstraction and the reduction of forms to their essential components. In “Two Peasants,” Malevich presents two figures in a simplified,…

  • Ivan Klyun – Who was he?

    Ivan Klyun – Who was he?



    Imagine a bookkeeper with a secret passion – painting. That was Ivan Klyun (Ivan Vasilyevich Klyun – Klyunkov) , a talented Russian artist who wasn’t born with a silver spoon, but with a paintbrush in his soul. He honed his skills while balancing numbers, later studying with big names like Fyodor Rerberg. Klyun dabbled in…