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Tag: dominican amber

  • Honeycomb fossil in Dominican Amber: a unique discovery

    Honeycomb fossil in Dominican Amber: a unique discovery

    The honeycomb-like structure in Dominican amber is a subject of debate among researchers. While some argue it could have been constructed by social wasps, the prevailing consensus suggests it was likely made by a stingless bee species from the genus Melipona (Apidae: Meliponini). Key details about the specimen: Significance: This fossil nest provides rare insights…

  • Bee Hive in Amber

    Bee Hive in Amber

    Nothing similar has ever been found before. Without any doubt, this rare fossil of hexagonal cells could be an interesting scientific study object, especially for a museum or any other specialized institution or just a collector’s item. Bee hive or wasp nest? Opinions differ about this exclusive hexagonal amber inclusion. As you can see in…