Wilmer Lugo is a Venezuelan painter born on December 19, 1956, in San Lorenzo, Zulia state, Venezuela.
1969 – 1972
Julio Arraga National School of Fine Arts and Applied Arts. Ministry of Education, Maracaibo, Venezuela.

1974 – 1977
Pure Art. Neptalí Rincón School of Fine Arts, Secretariat of Culture of the State of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
1981 – 1982
Pure Art. Ecole de la Grande Chaumiere. Paris, France.
1982 – 1984
Silkscreen. Ecole Nationale Supérieur d’Art Décoratif. Paris, France.

Individual Exhibitions
- 2004: “Die Schöpfung der Tropen”. Galerie Tantow, Berlin, Germany.
- 2008: “Genesis in the Tropics.” PDVSA Petromonagas, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela.
Collective Exhibitions
- 1975: Exhibition of the Artistic Community of Zulia. Municipal Council, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1979: Anniversary of the Nautical School of Venezuela. Catia La Mar, La Guaira, Venezuela.
- 1979: Bar Association Hall. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1980: Fine Arts Center. Maracaibo, Venezuela. CEVAZ Gallery.
- 1980: Venezuelan American Center of Zulia. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1981: University Center. Avignon, France.
- 1982: House of Cultural Activities of the Scientific City. Lille, France.
- 1983: Ecole Nationale Supérieur D’art Décoratif. Paris, France.
- 1983: Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho Foundation. Antonio José de Sucre Hall. Embassy of Venezuela. Paris, France.
- 1991: I LAGOVEN Hall of Visual Arts. Cabimas, Venezuela.
- 1993: Julio Árraga Hall. Secretariat of Culture of the State of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1993: II LAGOVEN Hall of Visual Arts. Cabimas, Venezuela.
- 1994: Reopening of the “Emerio Darío Lunar” Visual Arts Gallery. University of Zulia. Zulia, Venezuela.
- 1994: Exhibition of Venezuelan Artists. College of Dentists. Zulia, Venezuela.
- 1994: Exhibition of Venezuelan Artists. College of Sociologists. Zulia, Venezuela.
- 1994: “A Look at the Lake” Maracaibo Art Center Lía Bermúdez. Zulia, Venezuela.
- 1994: III LAGOVEN Hall of Visual Arts. Lia Bermúdez Art Center, Zulia, Venezuela.
- 1994: Tribute to the Newspaper “La Columna” Julio Arraga Hall. Secretariat of Culture of the State of Zulia. Zulia, Venezuela.
- 1994: Inauguration of the Banco Popular Art Gallery. Zulia, Venezuela.
- 1995: “Tribute to Armando Reverón”. TERAN’S Gallery, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1996: Coleccionarte Gallery. Caracas, Venezuela.
- 1996: Commerce Club. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1996: “Trópico de 3” KAY KAY Gallery. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1997: “The Artist Seen by Himself”. Julio Árraga, Manuel Puchi Fonseca and Luis Guillermo Hoffman Rooms, Zulia State Culture Secretariat, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1998: “Passers-by”. Asdrúbal Colmenares Contemporary Art Center, La Villa Universitaria. Trujillo, Venezuela.
- 1998: Inauguration of the newspaper La Verdad. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1998: “The Infinite Song of this Sun” – Inaugural Exhibition of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Zulia (MACZUL). Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1998: “Al Margen”. Emerio Darío Lunar Visual Arts Gallery, University of Zulia. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 1999: “From Coast to Coast” – Traveling Exhibition. Zulia State Secretariat of Culture. Cabimas, Bachaquero, Machiques and La Villa de Rosario , Venezuela.
- 2000: “Zulian Artists”. TERAN’S Gallery. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 2000: “Drawing: Lines and Plans”. Julio Árraga Hall, Zulia State Culture Secretariat. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 2001: Day of the Plastic Artist. Banco Maracaibo Foundation. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 2003: “The Light of the Eternal Equinox”. World of TUI, Berlin, Germany.
- 2003: VIII Collective Art Exhibition of the José Félix Ribas Foundation. Banco Maracaibo Foundation. Maracaibo, Venezuela .
- 2004: “From Maracaibo to Berlin“. Espacio Arte Galería. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
- 2004: “From Maracaibo to Berlin“. Galerie Tantow. Berlin, Germany.
- 2004: “Artists of the gallery“. Galerie Tantow. Berlin, Germany.
- 2005: All Nations Festival. Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Galerie Tantow. Berlin, Germany.
- 2005: “Artists of the gallery“. Galerie Tantow, Berlin, Germany
- 2006: “Artists of the Maracaibo school”. ARTINSIGHT Gallery; Exclusive tour through selected galleries in Berlin; Galerie Tantow; Berlin, Germany.
- 2006: FIAAM III International Art and Antiques Fair of Maracaibo; Maracaibo; Venezuela.
- 2006: International Fair of Art and Antiques; Lia Besmudez Art Center; Maracaibo – Venezuela
- 2007: Exhibition on the Occasion of Venezuela’s Independence Day; Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; Frankfurt; Germany
- 2007: The best of the Maracaibo School – The teachers and their students; Tantow Gallery; Berlin; Germany
- 2007: International art fair in Zurich (FIA Zurich); Tantow Gallery; Berlin; Germany
- 2008: “Shanghai Art Fair”; Shanghai; China
- 2008: “UNA al Día” National University Open; Caracas; Venezuela
- 2008: “Tropic of dreams”; Network of Galleries of Venezuela; Trujillo; Venezuela
- 2009: “Five years of art from Latin America” – Fifth anniversary of the Galerie Tantow; Galerie Tantow; Berlin; Germany
- 2009: International art fair SHANGHAI ART FAIR Shanghai – China
- 2010: “Meeting Point”; IGEZ Gallery; Zulia; Venezuela
- 2010: ART FAIR MONACO International Art Fair; Principality of Monaco – Monte Carlo
- 2011: “Art Monaco”; Galerie Tantow; Berlin; Germany
- 2012: National Contemporary Art Event; Pesaro; Italy
- 2012: International Art Show; Paleta Art Show; Varazdin; Croatia
- 2012: FACE ART Hotel Alexander; viale Trieste; Pesaro Italy
- 2013: United Latin America has natural strength; Santiago de Chile; Chile
This ordered list reflects both individual and collective exhibitions chronologically based on their occurrence dates.
In case of interest in any of his works, just let us know.