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Tag: Russian avant-garde art

  • The two peasant women – Kazimir Malevich

    The two peasant women – Kazimir Malevich



    The first owner of this painting was avant-garde artist Alexei Gan, a co-founder of the First Working Group of Constructivists with Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova. Gan edited Kino-fot (1922–23) and co-edited Contemporary Architecture (1928), where Malevich also published articles. His partner, Esfir Shub, was a noted documentary filmmaker. Two Peasant Women belongs to Malevich’s…

  • Principles of Kazimir Malevich’s Suprematism Philosophy

    Principles of Kazimir Malevich’s Suprematism Philosophy



    Suprematist art, specially drawn in out-of-proportion size with the art concept, was a small standing mirror in which the materialistic men of a materialistic century could look at themselves…Suprematism presented to the Russian people the greatest aspects of non-objectivity in art and by so doing, open the way to a deeper understanding of art. Malevich…

  • Ivan Klyun – Who was he?

    Ivan Klyun – Who was he?



    Imagine a bookkeeper with a secret passion – painting. That was Ivan Klyun (Ivan Vasilyevich Klyun – Klyunkov) , a talented Russian artist who wasn’t born with a silver spoon, but with a paintbrush in his soul. He honed his skills while balancing numbers, later studying with big names like Fyodor Rerberg. Klyun dabbled in…